7 Ways To Emotionally Satisfy A Woman
It is no rocket science to keep your lady emotionally happy. Use your brain tool well to gather cues from what your woman wants of you. There will be times when she would be very demanding or short-tempered, but then there might be days when she would shower all her love and attention on you. So, here is a plan outlined for you so that she knows you are there with her at every step, literally. 1. Heart-to-heart conversations There will be times when she will drop hints on the ‘need to talk’. You have to keep your eyes open and break the ice by intiating conversation. Leave behind the four walls and go out to grab a cup of coffee or go for a morning/evening walk and speak to her. Find out about her day, talk to her about things that make her happy, take her to places where she feels at peace. All these things will make her open her heart out to you. Remember, communication is the most important part of any couple’s relationship. 2. Domestic support Share the responsibilities...