5 Things men do that really annoy women

In relationships, there are several annoying things that boyfriends do that most women hate.

Many men happen to do these things because they are still growing and maybe because they want to enjoy life before settling down officially.

Here are several things that annoy women whenever their boyfriends do it.

1. Having too many female friends

When people are dating, there is always a high chance that the boyfriend is still connected with his female friends. This is something that annoys most women because a woman may end up feeling as if her boyfriend can easily cheat with one of the females. This is always not about trust, insecurity, or jealousy; it is something that just happens. No woman wants to feel like they are in competition with other females in your life.

2. Not paying attention

Most women always go the extra mile of looking great just to attract their boyfriend’s attention. However, it is usually annoying whenever the boyfriends do not appreciate their women by not paying attention to whatever good that their girlfriends are trying to do. paying a compliment on the little things goes a long way.

3. Not listening to their women

Women love to be given time when talking to their boyfriends. Unfortunately, that is always not the case. Many men whenever they are watching football or anything that they are in love with they rarely listen to what they are being told and that annoys most women. hence leaving them moody and acting up.

4. Spending too much time on their Cellphone.

Nothing annoys women more than a man who is always on their phone in their presence. If your woman sleeps first all the time because you are too busy on your phone, its only a matter o time before she replaces you.

5. Mama's Boy

If you decide you want to be a man, act it and leave all boy habits. Nothing is more annoying to a woman than a man who always goes back to his mama for everything. Your mother will always be in your life but she should not run your life.


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