Things You Need To Stop Doing After Getting Married

There is a difference between being in a relationship and the period after being engaged and then the marriage proper.

Change is hard! Once we form a pattern of behavior either positive or negative it can be really challenging to break away from that pattern.

To make a married life working out perfectly, it is a responsibility for both the husbands and wives to compromise and fulfill their partner’s needs to have a perfect relationship. For many men and women, that is the hardest part of marriage.

In this article, we will take a look at some things that one should not do after getting married to their partner.

Below are some of the things that you must stop doing because they can make a relationship sour.

1. Keeping your partner from seeing his/her friends:

Some boyfriends and girlfriends are too territorial that they get jealous even with their partners’ friends. Remember, his/her friends were already in his/her life before you came in. You cannot expect your partner to completely forget his/her friends just for you. This will only cause him/her to lie to you or end up mad at you.

Once you get married you need to stop this kind of toxic attitude.

2. Stop thinking that every time you are right:

This is the mistake, which some couples do, be it a small argument or a really big one.

Try to control your attitude which every time says – “I am only right, not you!” Try this, and a big argument can be prevented between you both.

3. Stop being a workaholic:

Stop working so much. Find a healthy balance between work and family. Your spouse would rather have you than a big house, nice car, etc.

4. Not setting boundaries:

After getting married, it’s important to set boundaries; not setting boundaries could make jealousy and distrust start to breed in the relationship.

Set some boundaries, especially with the opposite sex, so there would be no room for jealousy and distrust.

5. Stop making plans without the input of your spouse:

If you want your spouse to be your true partner then you have to start including them in the details of your days. The truth is when we stop asking our spouses for their input, they stop expecting to have a say.

6. Stop flirting:

Flirting as a married person could be very hurtful to your partner. Flirting may seem like harmless behavior, but when you’re married, it’s a betrayal to your spouse.


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