10 words every book nerd should know

Do you know the difference between a bibliophile and a bibliosoph? Every book lover should know these 10 words.

1. Abibliophobia

A fear of running out of reading material.

2. Biblioklept

A person who steals books.

3. Bibliognost

One that has comprehensive knowledge of books.

4. Bibliolater

A person who is passionately enthusiastic about books.

5. Bibliomania

A passionate enthusiasm for collecting and possessing books.

6. Bibliomancy

The practice of foretelling the future by interpreting a randomly chosen passage from a book.

7. Bibliophange

A book-eater, or devourer of books.

8. Bibliophile

A person who collects or has a great love of books.

9. Bibliopole

A person who buys and sells books, especially rare ones.

10. Bibliosoph

One who is particularly knowledgeable about books.


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