5 Signs That You’re Meant To Be Together

1.  You allow yourselves to be vulnerable.
Vulnerability is a slippery slope but it has to be present in any form of relationship. You have to allow yourself to be vulnerable if you want to open yourself up to another person. Vulnerability is directly tolerated to how much trust you’re willing to give a person. When you let yourself be vulnerable to another person, you’re essentially saying, “Here’s my heart. I trust you with it. Please don’t end up betraying me.” The best kinds of relationships have partners who are comfortably at ease with being vulnerable with each other. 

2.  You have a developed sense of mutual respect for each other.
You understand that you’re both human beings who have dreams, principles, values, feelings, and opinions. You never try to belittle each other and you respect each other enough to allow for individual growth and development. You respect each other’s desire for occasional space and privacy. You also never use harsh language that you know could unnecessarily hurt each other’s feelings. You respect each other’s dignity and you would never do anything to tarnish your individual integrity. You genuinely believe that your partner is a great person and that there should be no room for disrespect in your relationship.

3.  Jealousy is not an issue for either of you.
You no longer get jealous when it comes to your relationship because you’re both mature and smart enough to know your own self-worth. You’re never insecure about where you stand in the life of your partner because you always engage in open communication with each other on just about anything. There are no lies there, and there is absolutely no room for insecurity. 

4.  Your relationship is full of happiness and laughter.
They say that looks will eventually fade, but a good sense of humor only gets better with time. That’s why it’s a really good sign when your relationship is always filled with joy and laughter. That means you’re still managing to make each other happy even though you’ve been together for a long time. You still manage to fill each other’s soul with happiness and brightness. You still bring sunshine into each other’s lives and that’s very important when you’re engaged in a long-term relationship. 

5.  You push each other to become better people.
More important than growing as a couple, you should also maintain a semblance of individual growth. If you’re in a relationship wherein you constantly encourage your partner to grow as a person, then you’re probably meant to be. You encourage each other to pursue dreams and goals. You push each other to become better people. You grow as individuals, and then you end up growing as a relationship as well.


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