Signs A Guy Likes You But Is Too Afraid To Say It

Life would be easier if people admitted it when they liked you. But understandably, telling someone that you like them can be a very daunting task. So rather than relying on people’s confessions to know whether they’re crushing on you, it’s important to know how to read the signs. Here are a few common clues that a guy likes you but is too afraid to say so.

  1. He makes himself available for you. When a guy or girl likes you, they’ll be available to you. In other words, they’ll make it easy for the two of you to spend time together. When you feel like chatting, they’ll be there for you. If you’re attending a party, the chances are they’ll be there too. And if you ask them to catch up, they’ll make sure they’re free. On the other hand, people who don’t like you will always have an excuse as to why they can’t hang out or talk.
  2. His face lights up when you walk into the room. According to Her Way, one of the tell-tale signs that a guy likes you, even if he’s too afraid to say it, is how he reacts to your presence. Does he totally light up when you walk in the room? Does he seem excited when he finds out you’re going to be somewhere at the same time as him? This is a little clue that he likes you. He might not admit it, but his expression will give him away.
  3. He avoids eye contact. It’s true that eye contact can be a sign of romantic interest. However, when a guy is too afraid to tell you he likes you, there’s a good chance he’s generally shy or anxious. If that’s the case, he may avoid making eye contact with you altogether. Perhaps he’s scared that you’re going to pick up that he likes you. Or maybe he doesn’t want to seem like he’s staring. Going out of his way to not look you in the eye can be a sign that he actually does like you.
  4. You’ve caught him staring at you. A guy who likes you may not make eye contact with you. But Her Norm guarantees that, sooner or later, you’ll catch him staring. Humans can’t help staring at the things that interest us. No matter how scared he is of getting caught, he’ll always sneak in a few glimpses when he thinks he can get away with it. And if he seems embarrassed when you catch him staring, it’s an even bigger sign of his romantic interest.
  5. He acts strange when you flirt with other people. If a guy likes you, it may make him uncomfortable, annoyed, or even jealous to see you flirting with other people. So pay attention to how he reacts when you flirt with others, or when they flirt with you. A guy who doesn’t care probably isn’t that interested in you. But if he acts strangely, he could be trying to hide his jealousy.
  6. He gets flustered around you. It’s normal to get flustered around people that we like. You can tell that a guy feels flustered if he acts nervously around you. He might stutter, fidget, or blush. And being flustered might make him more prone to clumsiness. If he always seems to drop things or trip over around you, it could be a sign that he likes you in secret.
  7. He tries to find out more about you.Typically, a guy who likes you will want to find out more about you. He’ll pay more attention when you talk than the average person will. And when you have conversations, he’ll ask lots of questions. He might not tell you he likes you, but he’ll try to get to know you as much as he can.
  8. He notices every little thing about you. A guy who likes you will probably notice all the small details that others miss. Along with listening when you talk, he’ll remember when you wear the same clothes twice (but probably won’t judge you for it). He’ll pick up on your mood and general feelings and notice other things about your appearance.
  9. He always looks at your Instagram stories.Social media interaction is a lot easier for many people than directly reaching out to their crush. If a guy is too afraid to tell you how he feels about you, he may show you through social media. Is he always the first person to look at your stories? That could be his way of telling you that he likes you. It’s even more likely that he likes you if he comments on your posts or directly messages you just to talk.

What to do when you think a shy guy likes you

If you think this guy likes you and is too scared to say anything about it, it may be up to you to make a move if you feel the same way. It’s difficult to know how to proceed, but with a little finesse, you could be on your way to a relationship ASAP.

  1. Work on developing a solid friendship. If this guy is already in your friend group or is someone you have a solid platonic relationship with, that’s great. Build on that. Establishing a great connection with someone without the romance will ensure that if you do end up dating, you have an even better chance of succeeding.
  2. Don’t put him on the spot. If you want to ask him to hang out one-on-one, that’s great. However, don’t do this in front of other people as he may feel like he’s been put on the spot and clam up. The same goes for when you just want to have a flirty conversation with him. Try to get him on his own so that he feels relaxed enough to really engage. If there are a ton of people around or you’re somewhere that others could listen in on your conversation, you’re unlikely to get much out of him.
  3. Act normal and master the art of subtlety.You don’t need to go in aggressively with him. If this guy likes you but is too afraid to say so directly, that means he’s likely a pretty low-key personality in general. Coming on too strong or going over the top with your pursuit of him is likely going to do nothing but alienate him. Take it easy, be yourself, and relax if you want him to do the same.
  4. Understand and appreciate his shyness.Don’t try and force him to be someone he’s not and don’t get frustrated because he’s not working at the same pace as you or responding as you might like him to. Give him time and space to come to you. If it’s meant to be, it will be.


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