Things Every Guy Thinks When He Kisses You For The First Time

The first kiss between two people in love is rarely ever awkward and foolish. It’s not always going to be as magical and as flawless as they make it out to be in the movies. Of course, the more that you kiss one another, you get better in time. You discover more about what the other likes and you learn from each experience.

1.  She looks so beautiful, I really want to kiss her already.
But of course, he doesn’t want to rush into anything. He doesn’t want to pressure you into it. But he can’t deny just how irresistible you look in his eyes. He just wants to have all of you right away.

2. I hope my breath doesn’t smell. I should probably find some breath-mints.”
He knows that one of the biggest destroyers of a quality kiss is bad breath. And he wants to make sure that he’s minty fresh for your first kiss. 

3. Would it be okay with her if I kissed her? Is it right to ask her first?”
He debates the idea of asking for your permission first – and whether or not you would actually respond. 

4. Hopefully, no food is stuck in my teeth.
He doesn’t want you to be finding some surprise after-dinner food in his mouth as you’re licking away at one another’s tongues. That would be a very unwelcome surprise.

5. I wonder if she can tell that I’m really nervous about this.
He is nervous. But he doesn’t want you to know it. He still wants to act all cool and confident. 

6. Just do it
It’s not just a catch phrase for a popular shoe brand. It’s a lifestyle. He doesn’t want to overthink it anymore and he’s just going to go ahead and do it. 

7. What am I supposed to do with my hands
He’s kissing you now and he loves it. But he doesn’t know what you want him to do with his hands. Where should he be holding you. 

8. How much tongue am I supposed to use? I don’t want to be too sloppy.
He wants to use his tongue – but he also doesn’t want to come off as too sloppy and inexperienced. So he tries his best to concentrate on using just the right amount. 

9. I want to see if she likes it but I need to keep my eyes closed.
He wants to know if you’re liking what he’s doing. But he also knows that he needs to keep his eyes closed and concentrate on the actual kiss. Here are things Guys think when Kissing

10. What am I supposed to do now that it’s over?”
Is he supposed to smile at you? Is he supposed to kiss you again right away? Is he supposed to say ‘thank you’?

11. wonder what this kiss means for our relationship.
And now the deed is done – but the relationship is only beginning. Right? That’s what he’s thinking about. He knows that the first kiss is a big deal. And he’s wondering about what this might mean for your relationship. Here are things Guys think when Kissing

12. I can’t wait to kiss her again.
And of course, regardless of whether it was a good kiss or not, he’s going to want to do it again. He’s going to want to kiss you the next time he sees you. He wants to pick things up where they left off. Here are Things Guys think when Kissing.

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