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Here Are The Types Of Affairs And The Reasons Behind Each Of Them

Is having an affair called cheating? There are different types of affairs that people have. It’s time you learned the different types.

What Is An Affair?

An affair is having a relationship with someone who isn’t your partner. Affairs can happen when a couple are married, not married, or engaged.

Some affairs can turn into intense love or at times it’s just about the s3x. Most at times it just for a short while. However, the worst kind is undoubtedly when an emotional connection is formed.  Affairs ruin relationships. Many couples manage to overcome an affair, provided the cheating ends and the straying partner learns their lesson and vows never to do it again. However, some couples simply can’t overcome it and go their separate ways.

Maybe you’ve had an affair, or you know your partner is having one. You want to understand what’s actually going on. Well, a good place to start is by knowing the types of affairs that can occur.

Once you know the different types, you can narrow it down and pinpoint exactly what led to this type of affair.

13 types of affairs you need to know

#1 One-night affair. This is an affair that happens when two people are s3xually attracted to each other and have s3x. Maybe during a business trip or party where two people are unlikely to ever see each other again. It’s a one-time event that is, if anything, out of convenience. A one night stand is an affair that normally can stay hidden unless your partner decides to confess or it leads to pregnancy. But most at times it ends without the other partner finding out. Cheaters always get away with this type of affair.

#2 Revenge affair. Well, this is an intense affair. When someone has been cheated on, they’re angry and the only way they feel will hurt their partner is to do the exact thing they did to them. They seek someone to have s3x with, as revenge. The person they sleep with is usually a co-worker or close friend. It’s “an eye for an eye” concept but with s3x instead. 

#3 Emotional affair. An emotional affair is one that most people refer to when they say the word ‘affair.’ This is based on an emotional connection with someone who isn’t your partner. They pick someone outside of the relationship to bond with. Though this isn’t always a physical affair, it usually leads to one.

#4 Lustful affair. People who engage in lustful affairs just have s3x with no strings attached. They claim the love their wives or husbands and hold their family in high esteem but seek s3x outside the marital home. These people must have s3x right now, and cannot be satisfied any other way.

#5 In-charge affair. When it comes to in-charge affairs, both or one person in the relationship is looking for the chance to exert dominance over the other. These people usually work in high-stress jobs where they have many responsibilities. It’s similar to role playing characters such as the teacher and student, the doctor and patient, etc.

#6 Pursuing affair. When we’re single and dating, everyone is looking for the chase, the game that brings the excitement of trying to be with someone. And this is a pursuing affair. They want to be chased or chase another person, feeling the thrill and excitement. Now, this doesn’t always end up being a physical affair; it can be purely emotional.

#7 Compulsive affair. This is a s3x driven affair. This affair is based on their need to engage with another person. A compulsive affair isn’t one where the person wants to escape their relationship or falls for someone else. They hunt for the opportunity to have s3x with someone else, anyone else.

#8 Opportune affair. They didn’t necessarily plan to have an affair; instead, the moment came up, and they took advantage of it. This usually happens with close friends and family members, as these are trusted people, and the time spent together is relaxed and comforting.

#9 Escape affair. There are some people who can’t end a relationship. They feel the only way out is by having an affair. They’re unable to end things normally and feel their only way to end their current relationship is an affair as a gateway to freedom. Simply because they’re unable to confront the situation head-on.

#10 Thrilling affair. These types of affairs happen when someone wants excitement and thrill in their life. Whatever’s going on in their life right now isn’t bringing them the satisfaction they’re looking for. They want spontaneity. They want adventure. And this affair brings it, but also comes with its fair share of drama.

#11 Superglue affair. When you think of superglue, two objects are stuck together tightly, and that’s what this affair is. It is extremely intense and hard to break. Both people in the affair believe they were made for each other and feel they were destined to be together. They try to break their homes just to be with their new found love. Even when they end the affairs, they end up drifting back together.

#12 Fictional affair. Most people think affairs happen physically, but that’s not always the case. Some people live an affair that’s a complete fantasy. They imagine intimacy with this person and feel connected to them without any foundation. Typically, people who are obsessed with celebrities or p0rn have these fantasy affairs.

#13 Naive affair. We all know those affairs. These affairs happen when someone believes the other person will leave their significant other in exchange for them. We all know this rarely happens in real life. Usually, what happens is one person in the affair gets strung along until they hit a breaking point.

What to do now

You now have the chance to figure out what type of affair you or your partner had. From there, dig deeper and figure out what drove you or your partner to have an affair. Then you can fix the underlying issue whether you stay with your partner or not.

Its hard to forgive a cheating partner but if both of you are willing to give the relationship a second chance


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