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Ladies ; 4 Tips On How To Widen Your Hips Naturally

Always remember that being healthy is far more important than looking like a celebrity.

Having a wider hips makes you look good in dresses. Most ladies wish to get that broader hips with a small waist. Exercising the muscles of your upper, middle and lower body along with eating a healthy diet, will have you looking and feeling your best.

Here are some natural practices you should start doing if you want wider hips.

1.Eat more protein and fats

Coconuts, avocado, olive and almond oil are healthy fats that can help regulate the hormones and increase estrogen levels in the body. Hormone regulation plays a key role in giving you that rounder figure you desire.

Also, it is important to eat foods rich in protein like beans, lentils, yoghurts and more to help in maintaining and building muscle in the desired areas.

2.Track your macronutrients intake

Macronutrients are a large amount of nutrients that living beings need to ingest for growth and development. The seven major macronutrients are carbohydrates, fats, protein, fibre, minerals, vitamins, and water.

Tracking your macronutrients would help you determine the quantities you need to eat for your desired figure. You can use a macronutrient calculator to figure out how many calories you should be eating in a day to reach your goals.


3.Glute exercises

Most women tend to do only squats when they are trying to get a rounder figure. In order to increase your hip circumference, you need to do a wide range of glute exercises. Squats are good, but they are not good enough. Try exercises like glute bridges, lunges, reverse planking, standing leg raises, high kicks amongst others.

It is important to do these exercises at least three times a week in order to see some level of improvement.


4.Sit less

Sitting for longer hours means your glute muscles are less engaged. If you work in an office, try to perform some of your tasks standing or in motion. In order to see ample change, you need to keep your glute muscles engaged and constant sitting does not help.


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