Questions that can reveal if you and your partner have a future together?

We are often stuck in relationships with the thought of whether we will end up with our partner or not. The concern for the future stops us from living in the present. The moments we enjoy now are often overshadowed by the thoughts looming over us about the future. After all, relationships and marriage are a big part of our life. The thought of ending up alone can be the scariest thing for a person.
It is this time when thoughts about the future about whether you will end up with your partner or not will trouble you most of the time. A sense of anxiousness or stress might settle over your head and will force you to rethink your decisions.
And sometimes, asking the right questions will give you the answer you are looking for. Let’s take a look at the questions you should ask yourself to know if you and your partner have a future together or not.

๐Ÿ†Do you both make each other a better person?

Your partner should motivate you to be a better person. Being with them should encourage you to improve yourself in all aspects.

๐Ÿ†Are you both comfortable with expressing feelings?

Communication is a very important field in relationships. To be able to comfortably communicate with your partner is very important and if your partner does that, they may be the one.

๐Ÿ‡Do you both try to change each other?

Accepting your partner’s flaws and loving them for who they are is the right way to go. You both should be able to accept each other’s imperfections and not focus on changing them.
Can you both lean on each for support?
Supporting each other’s decisions and having each other’s back is all that two soulmates need from each other. If your partner supports you in your ventures and major decisions, then they might be the one.

๐Ÿ‘Can you both disagree or fight without turning against each other?
Fights are quite normal in a relationship. In fact, fighting is healthy. But the day it turns out ugly and you both turn against each other, that’s when your relationship might doom.
Can you both stand up for each other?
You and your partner should be able to stand up for each other in front of the most difficult situations.
Carefully contemplate these questions and understand the gravity of the answers as well. 


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