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Subtle Clues You Have A Crazy Girlfriend

No guy wants to date a crazy girl. You will find this sweet and caring girl whom you would love to date but there are things about her that makes you wonder if she does have a pyscho side. If you’re wondering if your psycho girlfriend’s erratic behavior is a signal for psychosis or extreme clinginess, here are tips for you.

#1 She reads your texts. She is in your personal space like picking up your phone and going through your emails, text messages, WhatsApp messages and other social media account. When you try to talk of boundaries, she either manipulates you by crying, storming out, being all hurt, or doing the silent treatment on you. Dude, be warned!  That’s plain crazy.

#2 She is very subtly manipulative. A psycho girlfriend knows the tricks, because she uses them all the time. She can manipulate you into any situation she wants. She can just burst into tears and have her way every time that she wants to have a way. She has you in her pocket.

#3 She texts you using different numbers pretending to be a different girl, just to see if you’d take the bait. The only people who do this are either unstable or in denial. This is actually one of the most obvious signs that you’re in a relationship with a psycho girlfriend who may not be completely right in the head. If she has being doing this, run!

#4 She’s suddenly best friends with everyone you know.

More manipulation — crazy style. What she’s really doing is making it hard for you to get rid of her. Your friends won’t see her crazy side like you do, and soon, you’ll have no one to go to with your relationship problems.

Always be on the lookout for extreme clingy behavior and also manipulative actions. Don’t trust a girls tears all the time!  


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