If You Want To Avoid Miscarriages, Then You Have To Avoid These Things When Pregnant


The joy of every woman is to have her own family, a family where beautiful and lovely children exist. Some women give birth easily without experiencing trouble during pregnancy while some experience different medical conditions during pregnancy. One of the troubles of pregnancy is miscarriage.

Miscarriage is the spontaneous loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week. According to medical practitioners, 20℅ pregnancies ends in miscarriages. But the real fact is that nobody knows the actual statistics of people who experienced miscarriages because miscarriage can happen at an early pregnancy which makes it impossible for some women to know that they are pregnant. This means that some women experience miscarriages without even knowing. Women who experience miscarriage mostly suffer emotional pains because no unreasonable woman will be happy after losing her child.

Most people take miscarriage as a spiritual problem, especially in African nations. But medically, miscarriage occurs as a result of the fetus not developing normally. Some things increase the risk of miscarriage. Some women are not aware of these things. So, in this article, I will be discussing with you some things that cause miscarriage.

May have the miscarriage if the below case is yours

There are visible signs of miscarriages, though symptoms may change due to the type of body system one may have. Common symptoms are as follows:

*Vaginal spotting or bleeding.

*Pain or cramping in your abdomen or lower back.

*Fluid or tissue passing from your vagina

Note that some women may experience virginal bleeding or spotting but won' t lose their pregnancy.

Here are three things you should avoid that may lead to miscarriage:

1. Leaving infections untreated

This can be very dangerous, some vaginal infections and urinary tract infections can cause premature menopause and also affect the development of the fetus. so if you have an infection, you better visit your doctor before it' s too late.

2. Smoking, alcohol, and illicit drugs

This is not good for a lady. Engaging in this act can damage your body system and weaken your immune system. Your pregnancy is at risk if you are a heavy smoker and alcohol consumption, you are at risk of miscarriage. To safely guide your baby, you better stop these unhealthy lifestyles.

3. Unhealthy Weight gain or weight loss

You should maintain a healthy wealth if you want to reduce your risk of miscarriage. Unnecessary weight gain and weight loss have been linked with an increased risk of miscarriage.


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