Expert Spring Skincare Tips For Radiant Skin

Spring Skincare

The right skincare routine can have you looking great this spring.

With the transition to Spring and warmer weather, now is the best time to take a look at your beauty routine with fresh eyes and revamp for the new season.

Beauty expert, dermatologist, and Vaseline ambassador Dr. Brooke Jackson shares her key tips. These insights will help you minimize clutter, better utilize the products you love, and even try something new.

1. Turn down the heat & Turn up the humidity

In the winter, we tend to shower with excessively hot water, so now that spring is upon us, dial down that steamy heat to a comfortable warm (not hot) temperature and keep it to 10 minutes or less.

Long hot showers feel great for the moment, however, they will dry out your skin and will ultimately make it itchy. This can exacerbate other skin conditions like eczema.

If you shower at night, sleeping with a small humidifier in your bedroom can also help replenish moisture in the air, ultimately benefitting your skin.

2. Spring Skincare: Tune up your shower tools

Moist, wet Loofahs, and bath sponges can harbor bacteria on the surface and in all those small holes.

Over repeated use will introduce this to your skin potentially causing infection (folliculitis) to your skin so make sure to


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