Reasons why a relationship can end even when you both love each other

Your future plans don't align

When it comes to relationships, there are too many variables that you need to take note of if you want yours to last. Apart from just loving each other, you must both be willing to put in the effort for your relationship. On top of it, you're going to need a whole lot of luck so that your relationship doesn't have to go through difficult challenges. Even compatibility is essential in a relationship. That's why it's totally possible for two people to still break up even if they love each other a lot. Here are some reasons that can break your relationship:

1.There are trust issues between you two

Trust is something that is going to be just as important as love is. You should be able to trust that your partner is going to be there for you. If you find yourself incapable of doing so, then just your love isn't going to be enough for your relationship to last long.

2.Your future plans don't align

Your relationship isn't going to have a future unless you two can agree on a shared future together. You might love each other a lot, but if you can't see yourselves in each other's futures, it's the end right there. So be very clear with each other about your future, individually and together.

3.Your partner's family members don't like you

Family is very important, just your partner's acceptance towards you isn't enough. You must make an effort to win your partner's family too. If you're failing on that front, it's unlikely that your relationship will last. So if your partner's family doesn't like you, you should get a hint.

4.You both aren't physically attracted to each other

One thing that separates lovers from friends is physical intimacy. It's important that the two of you have a really deep emotional bond. But physical intimacy is also going to be crucial. And when that is nonexistent, you're better off as friends.

5.There's too much drama in the relationship

Drama can get toxic after a point in a relationship. That's why it's possible for your relationship to end even when you both love each other to bits. You might have gone through so much drama to the point that your love is incapable of keeping you two together.


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