Faith Nketsi’s husband released on R30 000 bail

Nzuzo Njilo and his co-accused, Kwanda Ntshangase have been granted R30 000 bail by the Port Shepstone Magistrates Court.

Nzuzo was granted bail after convincing the court that he needed bail due to family obligations such as a child and wife that he needed to take care of.

Faith Nketsi

Last week, the businessman handed himself to the SAPS after being declared wanted for fraud on the 18th of April.

The two men were said to have scammed people through Njilo’s trucking business.

Njilo and Faith Nketsi


However, Nzuzo’s lawyer Ofentse Nkgwang says the two alleged fraudsters will re-appear at the Randburg Magistrate Court on 19 May 2023.


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