5 Things Women Do That Scare Men Away

If want to know how to get a guy to like you, there's one thing you need to stop doing:

Here are the 5 most common early dating mistakes women make.

1. Calling him before he calls you.

This includes calling him because you heard or read about something interesting. Or maybe you knew there was a great band playing somewhere and thought he might like it. Or someone told you about some great event that you want to invite him to or — anything at all.

It also includes calling to ask why he hasn’t called you.

Instead, wait for him to call you and this will show that he has an interest in you and actually wants to see you again.

2. Thinking you can change him.

If you're going out with a guy who you know has something that you think you could help with or treat him like your new project then that's going to scare him away immediately. Never date a guy intending to change him for the better or stay in a relationship because you think he will change over time. That's not the case and you're either just going to hurt him, yourself, or both.

Instead, date someone who you actually like and a person that you can find good qualities in and have similar interests to. Make sure he's not just some guy you think you could get along with if... No ifs, ands, or buts. 

3. You're looking for perfection. 

One thing you have to understand early on or you're never going to be happy, is that you will never find the perfect guy. He can be close to perfect, however, just like the saying goes (and it's true), nobody is perfect.

Instead, look out for the five most important qualities (or less) that you want in a man and if a guy has almost all of those then see where it goes, you might be surprised and find out something about them that you weren't even expecting that you like.

4. You're putting yourself down.

Nobody likes dating someone who is always in a negative mood. Dating should be fun and exciting and you should feel happy that you are seeing new people and fulfilling your need to feel desired and loved. If you go into dating feeling sorry for yourself or put yourself down, especially in front of your date that can be a big turn-off and no one wants to keep seeing someone who is a downer. 

If you're not ready for dating then don't get out there, but if you want to, try and put your best foot forward and be in a good mood as you will attract any date with a nice smile and good conversation. 

5. You're trying to find "the one."

Whatever romantic comedy movie created this idea of "the one" in you and you're now trying to find that in every person you meet, it's best if you stop having that mindset now. You will find "the one" over time and you will most definitely not find it on the first date.

The more you get to know someone they become your "one" or your person. It just takes a while to find that person and you never will if you're trying to find them right away.

Instead, take dating as a fun activity thing to do and if you end up liking someone then see where it goes and if you really like that person then they might end up being the one for you. Just never have great expectations when you're in the early days of dating or you're going to be very disappointed. 

So, if you want to know how to make him want you, stop chasing after him.

Instead, figure out what men want in relationships and then work on yourself. Genuine attraction won't be far off.


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