5 Reasons Why People Fall In Love With A Tough Girl

What Is A Tough Girl?
A tough girl is upfront about everything in her life except when she is in love. Tough girls find it hard to open up, especially about their feelings. When she falls in love with you, she has a hard time admitting to herself. Outwardly, she looks tough, but in the real sense, she has a very soft interior.

Tough girls are only comfortable where they feel safe; therefore, until she feels safe, she can be very cold. Her emotions are caged, and not let out easily which she uses as a protection mechanism and makes her feel.

5 Reasons Why People Fall In Love With The Tough Girl

1. She’s a go-getter
Tough girls know what they want, and with that in mind, they do everything within their reach to achieve the same. Whenever she has her goals set, she works towards them and actively pursues them. At times the pressure to pursue the goals may render them forgetting when to slow down, and you will need to be there to show a little support.

2. She is confident
 A tough girl is self-aware, which means that she is always confident in all her deeds. This adds to her strength, which she defines as the ability to love others but still glare at some affection towards herself. She is the type to follow her morals and beliefs and keeps her head held high without the fear of anything. Additionally, she walks in confidence yet much humility, which makes a perfect woman to have on your side.

3. She is inspiring
Relationships are about growing, and growth needs inspiration. The tough girl will prompt you towards becoming a better person. She will build you and frequently push you towards chasing your dreams as she supports you. If you have problems believing in yourself, get yourself a tough girl, and she will bring out the strength and possibilities hidden inside you. She will also help you create the dream life that you had never imagined would become a reality. And this will be your greatest blessing. Again a tough girl will make you gentle and emotional to counterbalance her sassiness yet strong to match her.

4. Her toughness
She bears the tough title girl because she is sturdy and will be tough even on your behalf. This means that she won’t let others hurt you or treat you poorly if you can’t stand for yourself. In every situation, she will be the woman to defend and put up a fight in cases where anyone treats you for a lesser person than you are. Despite being tough, she will try her best to understand your point of view on various things and is mature enough to listen when corrected.

5 Acknowledges her flaws
To be reliable, you must also recognize the fact that you have flaws, and you are imperfect. She will be open with you about her fears and weaknesses, especially in regards to your relationship and the bond between you two.

How To Make A Tough Girl Fall In Love With You

Get her attention
This is the first step to make a tough girl fall in love with you. She is strong-minded, which means that she is already used to being in control, but she can appreciate it if you want to take charge. Talk to her and let her know that you are interested in her. This may get her off guard, but your straightforwardness will impress her. Do not force your intentions; appreciate her response in case she declines your plea.

Show confidence
Tough girls appreciate confidence, so make sure that when approaching her, you leave behind your “bad boy” attitude to capture her attention. She’s already used to being the significant person in the room and the confident one. A little challenge on confidence will leave her wowed. Don’t be aggressive; instead, be assertive and let your personality speak for itself. Note to self that you are talking to a confident, attractive, and straight forward girl; therefore, if your confidence exceeds hers, she will respond well.

Be you
Do not mindlessly conform to what others may define as stylish or trendy to get noticed. Be your person, and this will be appreciated and your individuality recognized. Make your interests and beliefs clear, and this will capture the attention.

Look for a relatable story
Look for things that relate to both of you, no matter how small they might seem. This is an excellent chance for you to learn more about her, and that way, you will find things to connect. Throughout this process, you will realize that she will begin to be comfortable around you.

Be mysterious
As much as you want to be straightforward, look confident, and upfront makes sure that you don’t pre empty everything to her. Leave some gaps for her to wonder about and keep her guessing; that way, you can be assured for the next time date because she would like to know much more. Remember, the key is to make her fall in love, so don’t complain if your efforts are not appreciated instead of press on.

Give her space
Tough girls love being in their own space, so trying to be all over her place is a turn off for her, and this will lead to your mission’s downfall. The kind of attention you get from her is pretty much determined by the attitude she has towards you. Please don’t get in her way and dare not to seem controlling, so shake off the idea that you need to be more take-charge than she is. Let her flow in her own space.


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