Mistakes Men Make While Flirting
Trying to impress
You are used to talk in she ng or Swahili but want to force using English especially with an accent. You cgange your walking style and apply some oil or put on clothes you are even not aware how or where they are supposed to be put on. All these is trying to impress. Love is all about feelings. Don't take a loan to hire a car for taking a girl out and you sleep hungry.
Just be yourself and if simeone loves you, they will in that state if poor or "old fashioned" as they may refer.
Giving wrong information
You know that you have no job but want to force an employment in an unknown office a position you can't even manage. Some go to an extend of claiming to own other people's houses yet they have no plans to build and are sheltering in the kitchen.et the woman know you the way you are so that if they are comfortable then you will build a happy home.
Being too quick
She has even not asked you to offer anything but you feel so generous and start giving her some promises. You are two days into knowing each other but you already claim to love them! How? Just be patient if someone was meant for you they will be yours. Never force things.
Lack of self control
You can't control your desire therefire you want to force her into you and if they resist then you turn to be abusive and arrogant. For the first time, most are usually chased and come back knocking until they make it.
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