For Those Who Uses Sex As a Weapon ; 10 Harsh Truths You Need To Know

Have you ever used sex to get your partner to do things for you? Or maybe even threatened to take it away from them if they did something you didn’t like? If you have done any of these things, you’ve used sex as a weapon, and here are the reasons you should refrain from doing that:

#1 You’re sending a bad message about your standards

This is by far the worst part about using sex as a weapon: when you show someone that you are using your body as a means to get what you want, it definitely sends a bad message about your self-respect and standards.

2. You’re not confronting the issue

When you use sex as a weapon or a reward, you’re not really getting to the center of the problem at hand. When you use sex to “solve” your problems, all you’re doing is pushing those issues out of the way by having sex, and then keeping them there until the next time you get angry.

3. It won’t solve anything

Because you’re not actually addressing the issues that lead to you wanting to use sex as your weapon, you’re not actually solving anything. Whether you use it to get over an argument or because your significant other never does the dishes and you want them to, you’re not fixing anything.

4. It will actually lead to more fights

By using sex as a weapon, you’re actually causing more problems in your relationship. Not only will you have a big blow-up about pent-up anger, but you can create new fights when your partner realizes they only get sex when you get something in return.

5. They won’t appreciate sex as much

They’re not going to appreciate their time having sex with you if they always have to do something to earn it. They will feel like you only want to get naked with them if they do something for you.

6. You’re also using it against yourself!

Who in their right mind would deprive themselves of sex just to prove a point and win an argument? Not me! Using sex as a weapon against your partner also hurts you.

7. They won’t learn anything

Using sex as a weapon teaches your significant other that they can have sex if they do what you say. That’s not teaching them anything or adding any value to the relationship at all.

8. It throws a wedge into the dynamic of your entire relationship

This is especially true if you’re new to using sex as a weapon. When you have a routine going in your relationship and the two of you are doing well, withholding sex so they’ll do what y


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