How To Express Your Love To Your Lover

There are countless ways to tell someone you love them. If you can’t find the right words to use, here are some ideas. You can even use them when you’re composing your vows!  8 Undeniably true reasons why I love you.

#1 You accept me for who I am. We’re all of us different in so many ways and I am no exception. But whereas others have tried to change me, to try and make me fit their personal expectations, you always accept me for who I am and love me for being that person.

#2 You make me feel attractive. There is never a moment when a compliment does not pass your lips, nor a second when you are not eager to share with me your good opinion on my looks and appearance.

#3 You support my aspirations. Never would you entertain the thought, for even the merest of seconds, of telling me that I am being unrealistic or silly. Everything you can do, either through kind words or encouraging actions, you will do to help me make my dreams a reality.

#4 You listen to me. Sometimes all I want to do is rave and rant, sometimes to pour out my heart, sometimes to share a great idea or thought. Each and every time you put down what you are doing, take a seat and open your ears and heart to me – never trivializing or belittling what I might have to say.

#5 You make me laugh. Not for nothing do they say that laughter is the best medicine. Whenever I am feeling down you are always ready to jump into the affray and disarm my negative feelings and black thoughts with a stab of wit and playful word. Within no time at all, you have me laughing along and putting my concerns and woes behind me.

#6 Your strength of conviction. You never waver or fail, and when the big decisions come, you are ready to make them. Likewise, you live every single step of your life according to a strictly ethical set of principles, following them without compromise or tractability.

#7 You always make time for me. No matter what else might be going on in your life, no matter how busy or manic things get, you always make time for me. You will put everything else on hold and show me that in your list of priorities there is nothing higher.

#8 The way your smile lifts my heart. Do I need to say more? No matter what the stresses of the day, no matter what worries may be plaguing my thoughts, one of your smiles chases away the clouds and lifts the love that I feel for you right back to the surface where it belongs.

So never hesitate to express your love towards your partner with these romantic lines!


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