Things to do if you get blamed by your partner all the time

Every couple goes through good times and bad. Playing the blame game is a very unhealthy communication style which will only lead to the couple fighting unfairly and bring the irrelevant past into current arguments. If this is the case with your relationship, you can find a solution. Here's what you should keep in mind when your partner plays the blame game.

1.Speak up for yourself

Make your partner understand that you're feeling blamed and do not delay talking about it. When you leave such situations undiscussed, it will end up as a pattern in the relationship that is seen to be okay. Let your partner know how you're feeling in a clear manner. Make a conscious effort to listen to what your partner is saying and try to change your behaviour for the sake of your relationship.

2.Ask your partner to be gentle while pointing out issues

You must always calmly and rationally point things out to their partner. If your partner thinks you're "always" to blame, then there might be a problem. Many times, things come up for the first time and for them to say "always" is wrong. Make a deal with your partner that if you're doing what they're saying, it's alright to calmly tell you that you're doing a certain thing. Be willing to talk about it.

3.Remember that blame isn't really about you

If your partner keeps blaming you for everything, stop and think if their blames are really aimed at you or not. Usually, blames are a discharge of pain. If something tells you that you aren't the cause of a particular thing, remember that it's not really true. It's about the other person's shame. And on such occasions where you don't take it personally, you'll be able to be more loving and kind to your partner.


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