Useful Tips To Maintain Your Relationship When There's Trust issues

Trusting someone can be the hardest things to do, but when you do and the trust is broken, then it becomes even more difficult to trust someone with your feelings again. However, it takes effort and time to build trust in a relationship. It takes equally as much effort to maintain it. The downside is that trust can be broken easily. Once the bond of trust is broken, it's difficult to get back. At that point, many people choose to walk away from their relationship.

For the people that decide to stick it out and fight to rebuild trust, a rough journey is ahead. Here are five things that can be done to help get trust back.

🍏Take it slow

Understand that it will take some time to build trust once it has been broken. Rebuilding is more challenging than establishing trust at the beginning of a relationship because now it has been broken.

🍏Spend more time together

Spending time with someone typically makes people feel close to one another. More quality time should help mend the bond that was broken. Try planning a getaway to bring you guys closer.

🍏Remember positive things

If you decided to give your partner a second chance, there must be positive things in your relationship. Keep your focus on the good. If you're going to forgive them, that means you must forget it to move forward.

🍏Focus on the future

It's important for both partners to let the past go and build toward the future.

🍏Show and prove

Any little negative thing that happens after the trust is broken is a reminder of that incident. The person that messed up must understand that it is going to take going above and beyond what's expected to rebuild trust in the relationship.


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