Ways Your Losing A Good Woman Without Even Knowing It

You have finally found yourself a good woman, but she could leave you if something is not done right. If you’re not treating her the way she deserves, you could be at risk of losing her before even realizing it.

Sometimes, guys slack off in their relationship by not giving their partner the right amount of attention she deserves. You may have found a good woman but you could lose of if you do these things.

1.   Breaking her trust

Whether you lied about being sick so you could watch the game with the guys or whether it was something small or something big, you could end up at the other side of the door.

2.   When you stop doing the little things

A good woman is independent but she would still enjoy the little things that her man do for them. If you used to do little things and all of sudden you stop, she will find another guy and would probably leave.

3.   Never try to know her

You know her favourite food or her favourite colour and song, but have you made any effort to know more? She is going to think you honestly don’t care about you soon and finally walk away.

4.   You never listened when she talks

Even if it’s something unrelated to you, show interest if you want to keep her. Put everything aside and listen to her, but if you ignore her, she will walk off.

5.   He doesn’t feel safe

Independent and strong women know how to deal with their own battles; however, whenever possible you should step up and make her feel safe. If you already don’t, she would want to leave.

6.   When you only kiss her for sex

Women are smart and they know the difference between a real kiss and a kiss that means you just want to get laid. If this is what you have been doing, then there is no hope.


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