Compliments That Will Make Her Heart Melt

Women love receiving compliments from the man they love but for so many men out there, this isn’t an easy task. Every man ought to master the art of giving compliments because it makes women feel loved and desired.

Before giving compliments, you should identify what the woman likes about herself, the things she wants for herself, and the things she wants to improve about herself. You should also ensure your compliments go beyond her beauty and only use compliments about her beauty when it makes sense like when you’re together for a special occasion.

Compliments appeal more to women when they happen naturally as this shows you are honest. This is because she knows you didn’t have the time to plan.

Now you understand the basics you need to know before giving compliments, here are compliments that would make her heart melt:

1. I’ve learned a lot from you

Women appreciate it when a man acknowledges how knowledgeable they are. Women hate it when it is just their beauty that appeals to you. She wants to bring valuable information to the table so make her know you value her input and opinions. So when spending time with her, pay attention to what she’s trying to teach you and compliment her on that.

2. You are an amazing friend

She doesn’t just want to be your relationship partner but also your best friend and compliments that acknowledge her as a good friend would make her heart melt even more. Use this compliment when she’s been of help to you no matter how little.

3. I trust you

Every woman wants her man to trust her completely and letting her know you do trust her would mean a lot to her. Let her know you are grateful for her loyalty to you. Don’t just compliment her for her loyalty, ensure you are also loyal to her.

4. You are my queen

Every woman wants to be the centre of attraction in her man’s world. Telling her she’s your queen makes her understand how much you value her. It also tells her she’s the only woman out there that matters to you. When you make her understand she’s your queen, you make her heart melt.

5. You have made me a better man

Complimenting her for bringing out the best in you and making you a better man would put a smile on her face and make her heart melt even more. Every woman wants to make a positive impact in the life of her man and it gives her satisfaction when she knows you appreciate her efforts in making you a better man.

6. You always look amazing

Have you ever seen a woman dress up? Trust me, choosing what to wear can be very difficult for a woman. Making her understand you love her fashion sense is important as this means her time and effort in looking good wasn’t wasted. Appreciate her effort in trying to look amazing especially when you are going out together.


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