Effective Ways to Make a Guy Jealous and Want you More
1. Go out with your friends
Guys feel very insecure when girls go out without them. There is that constant feeling another guy will hit on her and that she will be drunk enough to cheat. So, if you want to make your man jealous, put on the sexiest dress that you have, apply some heavy make-up, and create a nice hairstyle.
2. Make him compete for your attention
Do not answer his calls immediately. Do not text him back immediately. Do not talk to him immediately. Make him compete for your attention in all the fields possible because that’s the only way to make him feel helpless and wonder what the hell is going on.
3. Ignore his texts and calls
When he texts you, don’t text him back immediately. The same goes for phone calls. Show him that you won’t be available to him whenever he wants you. Show him that you have your own life and that you enjoy spending time with a small circle of people.
4. Accidentally Touch another man
If you are sitting with your male friends and your man, try to make him jealous by the way that you touch another man and laugh at his jokes all the time. It will make your man feel possessive, but on the other hand you will get what you want.Guys are really sensitive when it comes to this.
5. Be Mysterious
There is a saying that a woman without secrets is like a sky without stars. So in case you want to make your man jealous, be mysterious for some time, and see what his reaction will be. I am sure that he will bottle up his emotions at first, but then he will explode after some time.
6. Show him that you don’t need him
Guys really like to help their partners because when they do that, it makes them feel masculine and useful. But for a change, don’t ask your guy for any help. Get a male friend to give you a hand instead; let him help you to move from one place to another, for example.
And when you finish with that, tell your man that you had a great time with your male friend in your new apartment. I am sure that he will immediately have an image in his head of a sweaty and muscular guy helping you to move your furniture. That image will make him so jealous, and he will feel sorry for not offering you his help.
7. Tell him that you have work late
Your guy probably won’t mind if you don’t come home for dinner when you are working late, but he will definitely change his mind after you tell him that only you and a male co-worker were at the office together. It will make him think of all those Hollywood movies where two co-workers stay alone in the office in the evening, and in the middle of the work, they start kissing each other.
After that, he will imagine that you and your co-worker had raw sex in the office and that his ‘enemy’ pleased you better than he does. That feeling will eat him alive, and he won’t calm down until he believes that you were just working.
8. Talk about your ex
One of the most effective ways to make a guy jealous is talking about your ex. But, not just talking. It’s more about speaking highly of your ex, so that your guy gets instantly jealous and sweaty.
You see, guys like to compete. It’s in their blood to constantly keep finding ways to be better than other guys, to win more attention, to be praised for their achievements. And after he hears such good things about your ex, he will see it as a dare to become better than him.
9. Post your hot pictures on social media
Keep posting pictures of you having fun; going out; doing some crazy, interesting stuff; hanging out with other guys; etc. When he sees it, he will lose his mind because he’s not a part of it.
Him not being a part of your awesome life will make him utterly jealous, and he will instantly focus only on your whereabouts and all the fun things that you’re doing with others when he’s not there. It will make him fight hard to become a part of your exciting life.
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