Benefits of good sex
1. It relieves stress.
Hormones and endorphins are released into the body during sex, which helps to reduce cortisol and relieve stress. And whether you are in a committed relationship or a new one, anticipation provides mood altering sensations that benefit our desire for sex.
2. We sleep better.
And who doesn’t like a good night sleep! Vasopressin, released during orgasm, is associated with better sleep, as is oxytocin.
3. We bond with our partner.
Oxytocin, considered the love hormone, released during orgasm produces feelings of warmth and connection with our partners. And there are some studies that indicate that falling asleep shortly after having sex indicates that desire to bond. And isn’t it delicious to sometimes sleep in the arms of your beloved?
4. We live longer.
Interested in living long and well. Cultivate good sex.
Here’s my take away on this oh so hot topic:
It may be about the destination (orgasm), but it’s the journey that gets me there. Ask yourself what it is that you’d like every time you have sex. Ask your partner to join you in the ride.
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