How Girls Feel When A Guy Touches Her Body

A light brush of his fingers against her hand, a quick kiss on her bareback or just a touch here and there have a chance of making her heart lip. A touch from a guy could cause a lady to wonder what is going on with her body all of the sudden.

There are that tinkling and several sensations she can’t prevent her body from enjoying, it’s like her heaven. Here are some of the things ladies feel after getting touched by a guy;

1.   Butterflies in the stomach

When the man she is attracted to touches her for the first time, it is the most unsettling feeling. When the man she waited to touch her lets her feel the warmth of his skin, it is the most light-headed feeling, as a cluster of butterflies is released in the pit of the stomach.

2.   A chill down the spine

When a man forces an unwanted cold touch of his skin to a lady’s body her blood boils in the pit of the stomach, the history of anger, the collective memory of violence floats up and she sees red. She feels beautiful and comforted at the same time even though there is chill everywhere.

3.   Violated

When the touch is from a man she never expected, she feels violated. In probability, that touch comes from a trusted person and as naïve as it feels, there is a suspicion of what the touch is all about. When the touch is without her consent, she dreams feel insulted and it can be seen in her look.


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