Things that turn a girl on about a guy

When you’re introduced to a girl or when you walk past her on the streets, you have to remember that she’ll judge you and build an opinion about you within the first few seconds.

Want to turn her on and make her fall for you immediately? Use these 15 suggestions.

#1 Dress really well. Dress like a million bucks. Improve your wardrobe and dress in clothing that enhance your assets. Girls are immediately attracted to a guy who looks good in the clothes he wears. 

#2 Your confidence. Confidence is a huge turn on for any girl. Not cockiness, but confidence. Don’t be nervous or reveal your awkwardness when you’re around a girl and she’ll love your company.

#3 A guy who can pursue her and make her feel special. This is rather important. Girls love to be pursued and wooed by a man. Giving her a good chase when she teases you is the best way to let her know how much you want her and appreciate her.

#4 A man she’s proud to be with. Are you proud of yourself and your achievements? If you are, there’s a good chance that the girl you like will like you back too. A great girl wants to be with man who feels like an achiever because that’ll set this guy apart from the rest.

#5 A man who’s in control of his life. Are you certain about the goals in your life? Do you have a well settled job and a balanced life? Women like being in the arms of a man who’s in control of his life and his finances.

#6 Your ego matters. While an unnecessary outburst of your egoistic self can be a huge turn off, girls still appreciate a man who respects himself. Avoid getting tossed around by other men, even if they’re your friends.

#7 Your sweet and caring side. Girls love a masculine man who’s got a soft side in him. As macho as you may seem all the time, reveal a soft and comforting side to a girl when she’s trying to warm up to you. 

#8 The alpha male. All girls are drawn to an alpha male. He’s the leader of the pack and a guy who’s always in control of the situation. If you want the best girl in a group of girls, you have to be the best guy around too, don’t you think?

#9 Your passion for life. Are you driven and motivated to achieve your dreams? Or are you a carefree guy who lives for the day? As much as girls may like a whimsical guy, they still prefer a guy who’s got passion and dreams burning in his eyes.

#10 Wit and charm. Be a cheerful guy who knows how to be smart at the right time. You don’t need to be a clown to be witty, you just need to be sharp and clever. 

#11 Pay attention to her and her needs. A girl would want to be with a guy who can make her feel special and loved. Pay attention to a girl’s needs when she’s with you, and she’ll warm up to you faster than you think.

#12 A chivalrous man. Behave like a knight in shining armor and treat her like a princess when you’re with a girl you like. Learning the art of chivalry alone can take you deep into a girl’s heart.

#13 A man she feels safe with. Be protective of a girl when she’s with you. It doesn’t matter if she’s your girlfriend or just a friend. Always focus on the girl’s safety and wants before you worry about your own.

#14 A man with wealth. Not many girls would accept this, but let’s face it. A bit of money can make a huge difference in the way you can pamper a girl. 

#15 Don’t be a pushover. Don’t ever let anyone take you for granted, not even the girl you like. Demand the respect that you deserve from your family and your colleagues. Don’t let anyone make you feel less like a man, and avoid any friends who take pleasure in having a laugh at your expense. It’ll only hurt your ego and your self esteem.


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