
Deep Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend

If your relationship is starting to get serious, there are some important questions you should ask your girlfriend. These questions will help you find out if you have the same values, want the same things out of life, and want the same type of relationship. Do you want to get married someday? Do you want children? If you couldn't have them, what other options would you consider? Do you believe in God? What social causes do you feel passionately about? What do you want to be remembered for? Who have you been friends with the longest? How long was your longest relationship? Are you close with your family? If you got pregnant today, what would you do? What challenging experiences have made you stronger? What inspires you? What are your life goals? Who do you look up to? What do you consider cheating? (Kissing, sexting, webcam girls, etc.) What one change do you wish you could make in the world? What would most people be surprised to learn about you? Have you ever been discriminated ag

Ways To Get Exactly What You Want In The Bedroom

It’s quite the understatement to say that great communication and trust is the key to having a healthy relationship and a satisfying sex life. Some clinical psychologists even believe that these two aspects are more important than love, especially when it comes to sex.  But great sex isn’t just about pleasing your partner, it’s also about pleasing yourself, and you’re the only one that knows what turns you on. Opening up to your partner about your sexual desires can be really tricky, especially if you’re in a new relationship. That’s because sex is an incredibly intimate activity, and it’s perfectly natural to be a bit sensitive about the subject, the last thing you want to do is hurt their feelings. Here’s what you can do: 1. Get your timing right Maybe you’re bored with the same old routine and want to try out a new position? Maybe you want to make love harder, softer, or more often? You may even want to introduce a sex toy or even a third party into your sex life? Regard

Things To Remember When You Feel Broken

I have been broken many times in my life. I have had life deliver blows that have knocked me to the ground. The pain and the feelings of hopelessness and despair have consumed my life for many months. I wondered if I would ever survive this, or if I would live a life where I felt happy and safe. Slowly, over time, my life got better and I got stronger. Now when I look back, I realize that these events, though they were painful at the time, were the catalysts for me to change my life. Now I am living my life doing what I love – writing, speaking and coaching . For us to live our lives to the fullest, the only way we can achieve this is by overcoming the challenges that life throws at us. We have to experience the pain, the betrayal, the adversity, the feelings of hopelessness and the despair in life, because how else do we learn about who we are ? There is no other way for us to learn how to be resilient, courageous, hopeful and optimistic about life and our future. Though w

These are 5 top signs of fake love in a relationship

Is the love in your relationship real, or fake? If it is, all you should do is keep growing the love, keep staying truthful to each other, keep drinking a lot of water, and just keep treating each other in all the good ways that will allow the relationship thrive further. On the flipside, fake love is not something anyone would want to live with. Sadly, it is exactly what some people have in their relationships. If the relationship is based on anything different from a genuine willingness to see the other person flourish in every sense of the word, if it is based on something fleeting and temporary, then it is likely fake. To really know that the love in your relationship is fake, here are some things you may want to watch out for: 1. They’re emotionally distant In a relationship, fakers have a tendency to be non-communicative. They’ll provide little to no substance to what’s going on in their life. They’ll also make excuses why they “couldn’t” communicate especially when i

8 Signs Your Man Is Faithful To You

Let’s face it, ladies, marriage is a fantastic thing! Waking up every morning with your best friend and working together to build a better future can be something that fulfills you. But some women are worried continuously if their partners cheat on them. That’s normal because we are all witnesses of so many broken marriages and relationships. If you ever caught yourself doubting your man, check these signs—maybe he is faithful to the bone, but you are just too worried that something terrible might happen. – If your man has never cheated on you before, chances are small that such a thing will happen in your marriage. People change but remember that you chose him because he is a good guy, and good guys would never do something sneaky like that. My suggestion: Don’t sweat the small stuff. So, relax and enjoy your perfect life with your ideal man. – If your man is honest with you, then you have no reasons to doubt him. He considers you his best friend and sees you as a person to come when

Dumb Things We Do In The Name Of Love

Love is a beautiful emotion to experience, but sometimes love can mean “Loss Of Vital Energy,” because of the dumb things we do in the name of love! Have you been doing any dumb and crazy things in the name of love? Well, if you’re in love or are infatuated by someone, chances are, you’ve probably done more than a few of these things already! 1  Lay expensive gifts at our lovers’ feet. Don’t tell me you haven’t seen or done that! Not everyone can afford purchasing extreme, lavish gifts… but boy, do we often try. If you’re filthy rich, spending a truckload of cash on your significant other might be par for the course. If not, wooing your partner in that way can get you into some serious trouble. Although most people do appreciate expensive gifts, I can guarantee that’s not the only way to win fair lady’s *or fair fella’s* heart. Spending money you don’t have, all in the name of love, is just plain crazy. 2  Alter our every like and dislike to match our partners’. This is ano

Do’s and don’ts for people having sex for the first time

Sex is one of the most intimate experiences of your life. For many people, it is not only a physical escapade but also a mental experience that enhances one’s relationship with their partners. Therefore, no matter when you plan to have this sexual encounter with your partner, but if it’s your first time, there are a lot of things you must pay attention to. From ensuring safe sex to making sure your partner has consent to having sex with you, you must follow this list of do’s and don’ts. That being said, here’s a proper guide for all the first timers. What you should do? If it’s your first time, sex is probably going to be the best thing you’ve ever done in your life. But in order to make sure it goes the way you want it to, you must adhere to these tips and tricks. - Make sure both you and your partner have consented to having sex with each other. - Wear protection and comply with the rules of safe sex. - Try and have this experience with someone you are emotionally connected with, rat

Ways to connect with your partner on a deeper level while having sex

What is sexual intimacy? Intimacy is a close emotional bond that you form with your partner during sex. And when you bring the two together, you share a deep connection that strengthens your marriage. Now, what does being sexually connected mean? It's basically a physical and emotional bond with your spouse where you learn to foster intimacy by connecting on a deeper level during sex. There are a lot of people who don't pay much attention to sex and emotional connection, but both of them complement each other too well. And if you wish for your marriage to run healthy and hearty, you need to connect with your partner emotionally during sex. Here are some tips that can help. 1.Set the stage Some of the great ideas to set the mood are - massages, sensual music, lighting candles, clearing schedules to make time for sex and intimacy. When you're looking for a quickie, morning sex before you begin with the day should be your go-to. But if you wish to connect deeply with your spou

Maintenance sex and its benefits for your sex life

Having sex just for the sake of having it doesn’t sound too exciting. We may not realise it, but sex has a huge impact on our health and indulging in it, can not only save your relationship but also boost energy and sexual health. Compared to emotional stability, sex is equally important in ensuring that the couple does not experience any bumps in their relationship. So, to get on with it more smoothly, a couple can indulge in ‘maintenance sex’ to keep the spice and spirit of sex alive. What is maintenance sex? It is the act of definitely having sex even when you are bored or sluggish about it. More than many times, you may have wanted to go for the last season of your favourite Netflix show with your partner, but ultimately, ended up having sex. You may have felt bored, but eventually ended up doing it. This especially happens in long-term relationships where people do get bored with having sex, even once in a while. In moments like these, you have to just push yourself a

GUYS; Your Woman Is Cheap If She Does These...

There are a lot of problems with keeping a relationship strong and alive after many years. Also, a relationship is very hard because the woman you love might be too cheap for another man to easily gain access to her. We hold the perception that having s3x with a lady for the first time on your first date makes her cheap, but there is more to what guys would consider as cheap. Here are signs that your woman could be cheap for other men to chop; 1.   When she can’t fart If the woman you’ve been dating for more than 6 months can’t fart in front of you, then it’s a big problem. Such a woman is capable of keeping secrets and you need to be conscious of such a girl. 2.   Sex maniac If a woman is not easily satisfied in bed or is a sex maniac, then there is a need to worry because it’s obvious she would turn to other men for satisfaction. 3.   Financially dependent If your woman is not financially dependent then it’s an obvious sign that she’s obviously with you because of your mo

8 Signs He’s Not in Love With You

There are a lot of reasons someone would pretend to be in love with another. Maybe they just want to get some action, maybe they just like the idea of having a partner, or maybe they don’t even realize they’re not in love with you. The bottom line is that no matter the reason, it still sucks. But you still want to know if someone is in love with you or not. Sure, it might hurt to know the truth, but you’re much better off knowing if someone is lying to you and not treating you how they should. If they’re not going to come out and tell you how they really feel themselves, you’ll have to do a little work in order to find out just what’s really lying beneath the surface. These 8 signs he’s not in love with you can help you determine how they’re feeling so you can take action and do something about it. He doesn’t check in. Do you find yourself reaching out to him throughout the day only to end up not receiving much back? It may be something small and you may not realize it at first, but th

Signs She Needs You To Chase Her

🍅SHE ISN'T COMFORTABLE WITH YOU BEING TOO CLOSE TO OTHER LADIES Even though she may be acting funny, a woman will still be kind of protective when she likes you. You’re not going to win her smiles by letting her know you just finished talking to another lady in the room. Be ready to answer lots of questions if you ever do that. She’ll be concerned you are probably slipping out of her hands and would greet it with an indirect complaint. When you notice this attitude recurring with her, she is just playing hard to get and wants you to do some chasing before she gives you a warm yes! She is yours already. Nothing else can probably make her feel as uncomfortable than you being with other ladies. She's definitely nursing some feelings for you. Just play along by giving her the chase of her life. 🍅HER SMILES ARE A SIGN SHE WANTS YOU TO CHASE HER We are not talking about some random acts of courtesy here. Any lady would easily smile to make you feel comfortable talking to them or to

5 Truths About Relationships That You Need To Accept

You never want to go into a relationship with a naïve heart and an immature mind. You always want to make sure that you are informed of the many truths and realities that come with true-to-life relationships. You might have a vague idea of what love is supposed to be based on the movies and the romance novels. But these fairytale fantasies and narratives are far from what love is truly going to be like in real life. These stories are far from the real-life narratives that so many couples live with every day. And you really need to learn that if you don’t want to get blindsided by the many harsh truths that come with falling in love and getting into relationships. You might be someone who isn’t so experienced in love. You might be someone who is just falling in love for the first time. That’s okay. No one expects you to have all of the answers going into it. However, you don’t want to risk missing out on a chance at love just because you had unreasonable expectations going i

7 Ways To Emotionally Satisfy A Woman

It is no rocket science to keep your lady emotionally happy. Use your brain tool well to gather cues from what your woman wants of you. There will be times when she would be very demanding or short-tempered, but then there might be days when she would shower all her love and attention on you. So, here is a plan outlined for you so that she knows you are there with her at every step, literally. 1. Heart-to-heart conversations There will be times when she will drop hints on the ‘need to talk’. You have to keep your eyes open and break the ice by intiating conversation. Leave behind the four walls and go out to grab a cup of coffee or go for a morning/evening walk and speak to her. Find out about her day, talk to her about things that make her happy, take her to places where she feels at peace. All these things will make her open her heart out to you. Remember, communication is the most important part of any couple’s relationship. 2. Domestic support Share the responsibilities

Understand what your sex moves tell about you and your partner

Sex positions have got to be one of the most creative, exciting and euphoric things to be ever created. Several positions in the book, whether it’s unconventional or the same old ones, get couples excited for some action. After all, who doesn’t want to sweat in the bedroom? Sex is all about connection. People say the greater the connection, the more exotic sex is. That’s definitely true as sex, being exciting in itself, needs variations from time to time. It’s to keep the fire alive. Role-playing, sex toys, venturing into multiples partners and more, have become so popular that nowadays, people have started to accept and explore more of their sexuality. But nothing excites a couple more than different sex positions. This is an all-time favourite. Additionally, it’s true when people say that one’s preference for a certain sex position speaks a lot about their personality. Researchers have suggested that people often go for wild sex moves to come out of one’s introverted shel

Benefits of good sex

1. It relieves stress. Hormones and endorphins are released into the body during sex, which helps to reduce cortisol and relieve stress.  And whether you are in a committed relationship or a new one, anticipation provides mood altering sensations that benefit our desire for sex. 2. We sleep better. And who doesn’t like a good night sleep! Vasopressin, released during orgasm, is associated with better sleep, as is oxytocin. 3. We bond with our partner. Oxytocin, considered the love hormone, released during orgasm produces feelings of warmth and connection with our partners. And there are some studies that indicate that falling asleep shortly after having sex indicates that desire to bond. And isn’t it delicious to sometimes sleep in the arms of your beloved? 4. We live longer. Interested in living long and well. Cultivate good sex. Here’s my take away on this oh so hot topic: It may be about the destination (orgasm), but it’s the journey that gets me there. Ask yourself what it is that

Dating ; When At Home Date Ideas

Whether it’s due to poor weather or a lack of babysitter, sometimes your home is the only venue option for a date. Luckily, there are lots of fun dating ideas that don’t require leaving the house! Stay in and watch a movie together: in this day and age, we no longer need to head to the cinema for a good movie. Watch a Netflix original or opt for a nostalgic favourite. Pair with popcorn for the perfect night in. Power outage date night: party like it’s 1850; turn off the lights and light some candles. Ditch your phones for the night and take the opportunity to connect with your partner, sans electricity.  Cook something you’ve never tried before: pick an international cuisine you’ve never tasted, or try your hand at making pasta from scratch. Go all out and make an entree, main, and dessert! Have an indoor picnic: who says you need to go outside to have a picnic? No matter what the weather is like, you can still have a fun picnic on your living room floor. s and hints based on your time

How do you know if your partner is a good match for you?

If you really think about it, love is quite a risk that every person is willing to take. But even when you know it's a risk, you must be cautious. Simply because love is beautiful and you deserve the best. Let's say you're dating a guy and it's going all too well. But you wish to make sure he is a good match for you. How do you do that? Check for these signs and find out if you've found the right guy. 1.You're very comfortable around this person You can be your true self around them. You don't feel ashamed of showing your no-makeup face to them. They love you as you are, without any filters. They find you attractive even in your pajamas. You don't have to pretend to be someone else when you're with them. 2.This person supports your dreams They don't stop you or make fun of your dreams. In fact, they encourage you and support you through all of it. They make a way to make you feel like they're there when you need them to achieve your dream. Th

Tips To Make The Missionary Position More Pleasurable And Amaizing

Though many people think that there’s nothing more to be done with this seemingly bland position, these 6 tips will surely prove them wrong! #1 Get your props. Sex should be fun, right? There’s always a way to inject excitement into even the most boring escapade. An easy way to incorporate a healthy bit of fun into your missionary romp is with a few props. The next time your honey’s on top, drape a necktie or the belt of your bathrobe over his hips and hold on to each end. As he thrusts into or grinds against you, pull yourself into him to increase the depth of penetration. You’ll get pleasure from the pressure this prop places in the palms of your hands. #2 Show him your C.A.T. The coital alignment technique or C.A.T. is a small adjustment that allows for maximum cl!toral stimulation during missionary sex. While he’s on top, scooch down a few inches until the base of his pen!s is aligned with your cl!t and pointing slightly downward. Wrap your legs around his thighs, and then press yo

How To Make Love To Him In A Way That He Will Never Forget

You may be nervous at the thought of learning how to have amazing, passionate sex with a man, but you shouldn't be. In this guide, I'm going to show you exactly how to make love to a man and please him in a way that is super easy and takes the pressure off you. More importantly, you will learn how to truly enjoy the experience of having mind-blowing, emotional sex, too. In fact, if you follow these tips, you're both about to learn what it's like to have the best sex ever in your lives. OK, moving on to our how-to guide to making love to guy, let's start from the very beginning. Here are my 5 best tips on how to make love to a man so passionately he'll never forget you. 1. Make sure you feel comfortable first. We're not talking about the bed or couch here. The single most important thing that you need to take care of before having sex is making sure that you're totally comfortable with what's about to happen. If you've never had sex be

Sweetness; Reasons That Makes Doggy Style The Best Sex Position

When it comes to great sex, you can’t beat the need for creativity. However, it’s fair to say that most people have a go-to position they can rely on for fail safe satisfaction. Every position, from missionary to reverse cowgirl, has its benefits. However, it’s doggy style that continues to smash the charts and has even previously been voted as the world’s favourite sexual position. And, as if being the best position to hit the G-spot isn’t reason enough for you to dig doggy style, here are 12 reasons why doggy style is the best sexual position there is. 1.  A bit more about that G-spot Your partner’s penis is naturally tilted slightly downwards and, in doggy style, it rubs up against the G-spot as a result. And if it’s good enough for Mother Nature. 2.  You’re more in control than you think And there are plenty of fun variations and nifty tricks to give you control over the depth of penetration, including lowering yourself onto your elbows to increase it or reducing the ar

Tips for a virgin woman to ease out first-time sex pressure

First-time sex pressure is real. Some may get really excited and not feel a thing because they've been looking forward to getting intimate with their lovers. But for many, it can get really stressful to just think about it. If you're a virgin woman who has finally decided to take the big step and indulge in sex with your partner, here are some tips that can help you ease out the pressure. - Lubrication is important: You can either depend on nature lubrication through lots of foreplay before intercourse or buy a water-based product that helps to ease out the pain. Lubrication is definitely important each time you have sex with your partner, but especially when it's your first time. It helps the intercourse session easier for you and less painful during insertion of the penis too. This is one reason why condoms are coated with a greasy stud which helps in making the insertion easy. - Be ready to feel pain: There's no other way to say this, you are going to feel some pain

The First Move: Should I Text Him Or Wait For Him?

Towards Your Crush, Should You Take The First Move And Text Him? “To text him or not to text him?” that is the question  Are you right now staring at your phone and wondering if you should make the first move and text him? Is that the “right” move? Are you going to scare him or annoy him? Is it a turn-on for him if you text him if you take the initiative and text him first? So many questions! And no clear answer. In fact, the answer is not so black and white. You’ll have to stop and really think about it. The answer will depend on your very special circumstance or situation regarding your guy (or potential guy). For example, you just met him last night and you really hit it off, you exchange numbers and had a great night. Fast forward to the next day and you pick up your phone to see if he has texted you something but nothing!You wait for the next day and still nothing. You can also be waiting for a text from that guy that you’ve been talking for some time (aka crush), you