
Showing posts from July, 2022

4 sex positions that boost confidence and body positivity

Feeling insecure about your body, being unsure about yourself, wavering confidence are common for everyone. Even if some people say they have never experienced it, it cannot be entirely true. If you are in a relationship and are regular with the sex then there are some sex positions that will indeed help you deal with these insecurities and bosst your confidence. Scroll down, take notes, bookmark this page and pick the position that resonates the most with you. 1.Missionary sex Missionary sex is old school but it is one sex position that depends a lot on intimacy. It tells you a lot about your camaraderie. It shows you how your partner feels. It is your eyes that do the talking along with your body language. 2.Doggy style This position is the best if you are into booty. All you have to do is support yourself on your knees and hands and arch your back for proper penetration. You can also support the lower part of your body with a pillow as that hides your tummy. This positio...

9 Things Women Don’t Want Men to Know about Them

We are the fairer sex and though the woman presented to the outside world might be cool, calm and invariably well put together, there are certain things that she would rather you didn’t know about what goes on behind closed doors (literally and figuratively). These are some of those hushed up universal traits. 1. We will look much worse than you when we wake up. It’s a crime of nature that all men seem to look exactly the same in the morning as they do at any other time of the day. 2. How much we have stalked you on Social Media. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, you name it, before we meet you, we will have exhausted it to find out what we can about you. This also extends to ex-girlfriends as well. We will know what they look like and who their friends are. However, if you ever ask us about this the strategy is always deny deny deny. 3.We don’t always wear good, or even remotely attractive, underwear. We all have more than a few pairs we would rather you didn’t see. 4. How long we take to...

Subtle signs your partner is falling out of love

We all talk about how great falling in love is, and how it feels. However, very few people openly talk about falling out of love. This is mainly because of the societal implications and the feelings of guilt and shame that come along with confessing that one has fallen ‘out’ of love with someone. Due to this, signifiers of the same are difficult to identify. Thus, to make you more aware of the same, here is a look at subtle signs your partner is falling out of love. 1.Picks little fights because they "need space" If you two are good at communicating with each other, they can easily tell you that they need some space. But if that's not the case, they will feel nervous about it and may resort to picking little fights in order to push you away. In addition, though it is not the correct way of getting space, it is the only way they think to get it in when they are falling out of love. 2.They stay at work well beyond the office hours It is a concern when your partner suddenly ...

The 10 Benefits of Workplace Fitness Culture

If you are health-conscious, you can easily incorporate healthy activities into your day’s schedule. And the quality of your work will not be compromised in any way, in fact, you may end up performing even better. If you are an early riser, you could start off in the gym. But if not, don’t worry, have a healthy breakfast and head off to the office. Get off your car or public transport a few blocks away from your office, and walk the rest of the way. Once inside the office block, hit the stairs rather than squeezing into the lift. All you are doing is accumulating small bits of physical activities that will add up as the day progresses.   Make some conscious efforts to remain active whilst in the office. Occasional stretches while on your desk are good for your muscles. Take every opportunity to stand up while working. Open and close the door for whoever comes into your office. Don’t allow coffee to be served right on your desk, rise up, and get it yourself from the office kitc...

Guys ; 8 Ways To Improve Your Confidence To Help You Land The Girl

Confidence is never something that is innate. It isn’t necessarily an inherent aspect of a person’s character. Confidence is always developed and built over time. There are plenty of factors that can possibly affect a person’s confidence. A lot of them are always environmental. You are mostly shaped and molded by the environment that surrounds you. Your personality is a direct result of the people and the setting that you choose to surround yourself with. By now, you must have a good read on how people generally act or feel whenever they’re around you. You always get a good sense of whether people will generally regard you as a person of high regard and you can respond accordingly. A person with high confidence is always someone who generally feels that other people are comfortable in his presence. On the other side of the coin, a person with weak confidence levels is going to be someone who tends to be introverted and unsociable. He will get the feeling that people are uncomfortable a...

Tips to date a woman who is going through a divorce

Divorces are tough, especially when you have been married for a long time. Sometimes, things happen so fast that you aren’t able to even comprehend what went wrong or why things ended the way they did. Moreover, dating a person who is going through a divorce is a challenge in itself. It is very difficult to win the love, trust, and companionship of someone who has just lost faith in all such things. Thus, it is important to be well prepared and aware while dating a woman going through a divorce. Here are a few tips to do so. 1. Understand the expectations You must understand that the excitement and expectations that come along with a new relationship won't be the same when you are dating a woman going through a divorce. Any woman dealing with the divorce process while dating at the same time is handling two potentially complicated relationships. One is ending, and another is just picking up. Thus, being in a relationship with such a woman calls for a high degree of patience. 2. Don...

Things Every Pregnant Woman Should Do

Congratulations! Now that you’re pregnant, you might be wondering what comes next. While there are plenty of important steps that you’ll want to take as your pregnancy unfolds, there are a few things that should take priority. This quick checklist covers ten things every pregnant woman should do to prepare for a healthy, happy nine month. Learn about common pregnancy complications. While most pregnancies are fairly uneventful, there are certain health problems that can put you and/or your baby at risk. The aim isn’t to frighten yourself; rather, it is to be well-educated and to know what to watch for. Understanding which symptoms are normal during your first 12 weeks of pregnancy,  and which might indicate a problem can be the first step toward ensuring that you get help quickly if you need it.   Use a pregnancy calendar.  A great online pregnancy calendar can provide valuable insight into your baby’s developmental milestones while serving as a guide to your pregnanc...

​5 reasons he won't let you break up with him

It is always difficult to break up with someone. Even the thought of it brings in a wave of memories and emotions. When you have spent and shared a significant amount of time with someone, it is extremely hard to think of a life without them. Despite all this, relationships don’t always stand the test of time. Sometimes, either partner becomes too toxic towards the other person, making them doubt everything. This leaves them with no choice but to break up with such partners. However, it is not always that easy. They come with one reason or the other and manage to manipulate you into not ending the relationship. If you are also dealing with a similar situation, here are 5 reasons he won’t let you break up with him. 1.He is power-hungryHe is power-hungry Many people feel valued and confident when they have some amount of power. Whenever you bring up the topic of ending the relationship, if your boyfriend threatens you, and says that he will be the only one who decides when you two are ov...

Guys ; 3 Things You Can Do To Make Your Girl Feel More Attached To You

If you’re interested in knowing how to make a girl fall in love with you, then you’ve definitely come to the right place. You just have to make sure that you are doing everything possible to allow your woman to actually connect with you and feel more attached to you. You have to be able to bridge whatever gaps exist between the two of you if you want to be able to get her to trust you. You always want to be able to connect with her on a very deep and profound level if you want your relationship to work out. However, that is a lot easier said than done. A lot of men aren’t always going to be able to figure out what they need to do to get a girl to trust them. And if you happen to be one of those men, then this is the article for you. Remember that there are just three very basic needs that human beings have when it comes to close and intimate relationships. These needs are the following: The need to be in control The need to feel included The need to feel affection And why do you need t...

20 Secrets to Create Meaningful Relationships

There isn’t a standard list of things that equally applies to all relationships. What works for me might not work so well for others. For instance, you should see each other as often as possible. But if either of you has a busy schedule or it’s a long-distance relationship, this might not be possible. That doesn’t necessarily mean you cannot make it work. On the other hand, loyalty is a necessary constant in all sorts of relationships, even if you’re miles apart. So here are 20 secrets that would help you have the relationship of your life; Know yourself to know others When you learn to dig deep within yourself, you begin to learn about others more. The more you allow people to connect with you, you’d get to know them better in return. You’d know how to reach the very depth of people. You alone are responsible for your feelings. Don’t give people the power to control your mind or heart. You’re personal and perfectly capable of deciding how you feel about specific circumstances or peopl...

15 Quotes About Telling the Truth, Even When It’s Hard

The truth isn’t always easy to say, but telling the truth is essential, even when it’s hard. People tend to think that lying or hiding the truth is easier, but that isn’t entirely true. Many times, sticking to a lie is harder than telling the truth would have been. Even knowing that the  truth  is important, it is still tempting to take the easy route and fib  a little. Rising above that temptation shows your inner courage and strength while showing that you are an honest person. Plus, if you don’t tell lies, you don’t have to try and remember what you said later. When you think that telling a lie is the easiest route, change your mindset. Telling lies gets you caught up in a confusing mess with no possible solution. Telling the truth, though, will allow you to find an answer that improves the situation one way or another. Twenty Quotes About Telling the Truth, Even When It’s Hard These quotes about telling the truth even when it’s hard will help you make the right choice...

Guys ; If Your Girl Sends You These Texts, Then Marry Her

These days, smartphones are essentially extensions of our arms. We use our phones right when we wake up in the morning. It’s the last thing we look at before we turn in for the night. Heck, a bunch of us are even going to bring our phones with us into the shower. There is just no denying how essential phones are in the daily lives of people these days. And even though technology has its caveats, it still ultimately does more good than bad. And part of what makes technology so great is the fact that it helps bridge the gap between people. In the age of smartphones, it’s so easy to make contact with someone who isn’t in the same vicinity as you. Communication is always going to play an essential role in any kind of relationship. And smartphones offer us the convenience of being able to communicate with our loved ones at any point of the day. That’s why you should consider it a great deal whenever your partner sends you messages whenever you’re apart. It shows that they make an effort to ...

12 Signs He Doesn’t Love You Anymore

You’re trying to convince yourself that things are still going well with your boyfriend, but are they? It’s possible that he’s over it and you’re in denial. Make sure you don’t let any potentially obvious signs he doesn’t love anymore slip you by. Here are a few to keep an eye out for. His eyes are blank.  When you talk to him about your day or something that’s been on your mind, you see that he zones out right in front of you. His eyes go blank and maybe he even makes it obvious that he’s not interested in what you have to say by doing things like checking his watch or looking for an escape out of the room. He "forgets" to invite you out .  You found out he hung out with your mutual friends but didn’t invite you. Hmm. If this happens regularly, it’s clear he’s not forgetting to invite you but choosing not to. Stop believing his lame excuses, like that he assumed you had something else on so he didn’t get in touch. Oh please. He doesn’t notice you.  So, it’s no newsf...

How To Compliment A Guy Through Text

So you’ve met a guy on a dating app or even at the bar that you really like and you’ve been messaging. You want to amp up the flirting by saying something nice, but how? Here’s how to compliment a guy through text — it’s easier than you think. Mix it up.  I know that you might be tempted to find one thing that this guy responds well to, but don’t become a broken record. You know in yourself that there are so many parts and aspects of his personality that you are interested in. Don’t just stick to physical compliments —think about his inner soul. Talk to him about that in unexpected ways. Make it genuine.  As soon as you think someone’s only saying things because they think we want them to, everything feels fake. To feel more authentic, mix things up. It’ll stop you from just performing validation and ensure that you strike the right balance of compliments. This is particularly true over text when you can’t read people’s body language and you need to keep the messaging clear. M...

Ladies! Don't Make The Mistake Of Letting Your Man Go If He Does These 7 Things

Hey ladies, this world is full of toxic men and hey, good men are not easy to come by. So, if you are lucky to have that ‘one of a kind’ type of guy, grab his hand and never let it go. In fact, run to some island and live you’re happily ever after life. Now, if your man does these 7 things, you should never let him go: 1. Respects you Not every man can respect you as a woman. If he treats you with respect and does not in any way demean you, keep him close to your bosom. 2. Makes you feel like a queen You are a queen and you are confident about every bit of you. However, your man has the responsibility to compliment you every now and then and treat you like the queen you are. 3. He supports you Instead of supporting you, some men will try to bring you down whenever they see you are rising up the success ladder because they feel threatened. A man who stands by you and pushes you to achieve your dreams is a rare kind and you can’t afford to lose him. 4. Loves you People get into relations...

How To Discover Your Passions And Reach Your Potential

Maybe you have a good career, a solid friend group, and an overall satisfying life but you just can’t help but feel like something is missing. That’s because you haven’t yet discovered your passions or reached your full potential. Luckily, doing so is easier than you’d think, and these things will help you get there. Consider what you’re drawn to. When you look for content online, what do you gravitate to most? Maybe it’s interior design articles or eBooks about becoming an artist. What you read says a lot about yourself. Keep an eye out for a pattern relating to similar topics. It’ll give you insight as to what field you should possibly go into or at least do more research about. Ask around. Turn to friends and family to find out what you’re good at. They’ll be able to pick out good qualities you may not see in yourself. Alternatively, ask them how they found their passions in life. It could help you do the same. Write down aspirations. If your mind goes blank when someone asks you wh...

Reasons That Makes Men Lose Interest In Women After Sleeping With Them

Some ladies may be having an affair with their lover, they had a great time together, but he is no longer answering his phone and looks to be unable to meet your demands.  What caused that to occur? Many women have probably been in this situation and are left wondering why the male cut ties with them after sleeping with them. You may have fallen in love with him and desired to be in a relationship with him, but he vanished that night. The following are some reasons why guys lose interest in you after sleeping with you: 1) He was never truly interested in you in the first place. The unfortunate reality is that he was never truly interested in you in the first place. He approached you and persuaded you that he loved you, but all he wanted to do is to sleep with you. 2) fear of a verbal brawl Some people lack the courage to express they no longer want to be in a relationship. They may want to leave the relationship for a variety of reasons, but the bottom line is that they...

This is Why Sending A Good Morning Text To Your Partner Is So Important

You may think that a good morning text is pointless but it can mean more than you know. This is why it’s so important and how you can make it the best. Why that good morning text can mean so much The next time you think you can get away with not texting your lover good morning, you may want to remember why it’s so important. This might also help you understand why they could be upset if you don’t send it to them. #1 It’s almost effortless appreciation.  Every person needs to show appreciation for their significant other. A lack of appreciation is one of the main reasons couples split up. You have to show them you love having them in your life. And sending a good morning text is a super, super easy way to do just that. When you wake up and send that message, you’re telling your partner that you want them to have a good day. That’s enough to show your appreciation on the small scale. #2 Starting the day with a message from a lover feels good.  It feels really, really good. Put y...

Tips for being the Confident one in bed

Boosting confidence in the bedroom is a problem that we all face, at some point in life. With boredom issues setting amidst sex, it can be a real dampner on you and your partner’s sex life. Reinventing some sex tricks, toys or simply being bold while having sex can give you just the right amount of excitement and fun you need. So, we bring to you some handy tips for being the bolder one during sex. 1.Be in your birthday suit Don’t be afraid to bare it all. Take off your clothes one by one, slowly in a teasing way and watch your partner stare at you in awe. This is a good way to show your partner that you trust them enough to be this bold, in front of them. 2.Be open about what you want Don’t just bare your body. But bare your soul to them as well. If you’re open and honest about your feelings and about what you want from your partner emotionally and physically, then it will not only create a stronger relationship between the two of you but will also give you the pleasure th...

Sweet text messages to make your woman smile

If there were no smartphones in this world, I would climb your window every minute of the day just to tell you how beautiful you are. You came into my world and you brought its colours back. Each time we look into each other's eyes I know you are the one for me now, and forever. You are the special one with all the love that I need. You quench the thirst of my soul with your voice, so call me ASAP. Is there anything better than love, because that is how I feel for you. The day I met you, I found my missing piece. A beautiful woman's imperfections are what make her perfect. You are beautiful Babe, I was praying to angels to watch over you but the angels told me not to bother because you are an angel too.